Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs Gives Up CEO Spot at Apple, Tim Cook Will Replace Him

Published August 25, 2011 | Reuters

SAN FRANCISCO - Silicon Valley legend Steve Jobs Wednesday resigned as chief executive of Apple Inc in a stunning move that ended his 14-year reign at the technology giant he co-founded in a garage.


Showing 10 of 518 comments

tennis11 0 minutes ago
So long skinny bit-h, You really need to exit stage left

a_man 1 minute ago

Mad_Man_2 3 minutes ago
All of you Apple bashers are nothing but_douche_bag_wannabee's. Not one of you losers has accomplished anything outside of bashing things you don't understand.

realthought 1 minute ago in reply to Mad_Man_2
Those would be douche-nozzles.

666666 3 minutes ago
This is hardly "stunning" news. He is dying! What did you expect him to do, carry his apple c r a p to the grave?

James [Moderator] 4 minutes ago
Good riddance. He single-handedly gets the credit for making a total mess out of the web browsing experience for everyone by building crippled (but popular) devices refusing compatibility with Adobe Flash. Let history remember him for that.

realthought [Moderator] 2 minutes ago in reply to James
The guy is in a class with the great American inventors.

Don't forget, Edison pushed for DC power distribution, and we still think he was a smart guy.

vaffanculo907 6 minutes ago
Glad to hear that the Apple Gestapo is leaving! For those sheep who do not mind that the Apple Gestapo will not allow FLASH on IPADs, you will ALWAYS be sheep throughout life.

tennis11 7 minutes ago
So long Jobs ,you caused more problems then solved,See you in the next life,NOT

Clay Lovett 8 minutes ago
The end of an era.

I wish Steve all the best.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2 Shot in San Francisco Parking Lot After Raiders-49ers Game

Published August 21, 2011 | Associated Press

San Francisco - Two men were shot and wounded in the parking lot of Candlestick Park after a preseason NFL game Saturday night between the San Francisco 49ers and the Oakland Raiders, police said.


Showing 10 of 51 comments

ihatecanucks 22 minutes ago
One of the many reasons why Iam licensed to carry a concealed weapon in 39 states and do. I qualify 2X a year, just for things like this. Practice, practice, practice.
1 person liked this.

obamastaffer 28 minutes ago
More and more gang bangers are spending their hefty welfare checks on sporting event tickets, I guess.
2 people liked this.

nooneisinnocent 38 minutes ago
Can't wait for the post season when they whip out the rpg's and ied's. Oh, wait. I forgot, it's the bay area, there won't be a post season.
2 people liked this.

Nostalgia1 45 minutes ago
Ok...lets all tap around the fact the fact that the individuals involved were minorities...does that make everyone feel better? They must be minorities because no one is saying they are White!
7 people liked this.

ihatecanucks 20 minutes ago in reply to Nostalgia1
Very true and sad.

joepa00 1 hour ago
Sometimes I think what this world needs is a purging of some of its population. Due to stupidity like this. Just laying out the facts.
11 people liked this.

markosoftfl 1 hour ago
over a football game? liberal loons with guns. Unbelievable
4 people liked this.

napawineguy 1 hour ago
I live in Napa Valley-about an hour north of SanFran. I think I missed my opportunity tonight. I should have gone to Oakland while the little gangbanger wannabes were over in SanFran and tapped their old ladies while they were away...

shepherd04 1 hour ago
Glad to see that California gun law is working out just as the politicians wanted. Now only the criminals have guns.
17 people liked this.

scrotum13131313 1 hour ago
Ahhhh yeah! Chicken! Who's got the watermelon? Dis ain't no good time, yo. Dis be some gangsta shiznet. Too bad football still isn't the old game it used to be before blacks and steroids!
10 people liked this.