Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Terror Suspect Interrogated on Navy Ship for Two Months Arrives in U.S.

A member of an Al Qaeda-linked group was interrogated for two months by U.S. authorities on a Navy ship in the waters off the Horn of Africa, before being flown to the United States over the July 4 holiday to face prosecution in a civilian court, officials say.

The move, first reported by Fox News, offers a glimpse into how the U.S. government may handle foreign terror suspects captured overseas in the wake of the Justice Department's failed attempt to prosecute the alleged conspirators of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in a civilian court in New York City. Congress has blocked administration efforts to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and many believe military interrogation is the most effective way to obtain valuable intelligence.


Showing 10 of 602 comments

come2know 0 minutes ago
This animal was interrogated on a Naval Ship and now he is going to be tried in a U S civilian court .. for what? For information that they got out of him? For information that they wished they would have gotten out of him? Why is this public information? Why are our “civilian” courts going to be burdened with this instead of having the military take care of a prisoner of war? Why is he not at the bottom of the sea?

100percentusa 1 minute ago
Obama likes lobstertail but hates people who don't support g a y b la d e s .
What a fookin Q u e e r .

100percentusa 7 minutes ago
Obama is a TRAITOR.

Who will stop him who owns a real badge?

mikeyc2010 12 minutes ago
Wait, I thought we were just k i lling off these "suspects" now we're going to bring them into the US and try them? I like the first method better. Torture, I mean interrogate them for every last bit of useful info and then send them on their way to their however many virgins and their magical prophet who rides a flying unicorn or whatever........

Why give them the courtesy of a trial? They haven't shown that respect for ONE American or Christian, now have they?

tjm07 16 minutes ago
The first terrorist captured since Obama took command, and isn't it interesting that it is released to the media within a week of Senate hearings that revealed the deep dark secret of Obama's policy.

capitalismiskool 42 minutes ago
Obama's own Gitmo at Sea? Where's the outrage from the left?

adapto1432 0 minutes ago in reply to capitalismiskool
2 months at sea --people in Gitmo would love that .Since they been in Gitmo for 10 years and counting.

100percentusa 12 minutes ago in reply to capitalismiskool
Oh you see..

Obama is king in these parts as he is the self declared king and he has seen it so.

larrykansas 1 hour ago
This isn't going to end well.

Archie999 1 hour ago
I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff,



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