Tuesday, July 1, 2025

The Rules

The rules:

- Go to FoxNews.com
- For a given article, look at the first ten comments shown
- If more than five of them are reprehensible, post them all

The goal:

A fair and balanced view of the conservative mindset.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs Gives Up CEO Spot at Apple, Tim Cook Will Replace Him

Published August 25, 2011 | Reuters

SAN FRANCISCO - Silicon Valley legend Steve Jobs Wednesday resigned as chief executive of Apple Inc in a stunning move that ended his 14-year reign at the technology giant he co-founded in a garage.



Showing 10 of 518 comments

tennis11 0 minutes ago
So long skinny bit-h, You really need to exit stage left

a_man 1 minute ago

Mad_Man_2 3 minutes ago
All of you Apple bashers are nothing but_douche_bag_wannabee's. Not one of you losers has accomplished anything outside of bashing things you don't understand.

realthought 1 minute ago in reply to Mad_Man_2
Those would be douche-nozzles.

666666 3 minutes ago
This is hardly "stunning" news. He is dying! What did you expect him to do, carry his apple c r a p to the grave?

James [Moderator] 4 minutes ago
Good riddance. He single-handedly gets the credit for making a total mess out of the web browsing experience for everyone by building crippled (but popular) devices refusing compatibility with Adobe Flash. Let history remember him for that.

realthought [Moderator] 2 minutes ago in reply to James
The guy is in a class with the great American inventors.

Don't forget, Edison pushed for DC power distribution, and we still think he was a smart guy.

vaffanculo907 6 minutes ago
Glad to hear that the Apple Gestapo is leaving! For those sheep who do not mind that the Apple Gestapo will not allow FLASH on IPADs, you will ALWAYS be sheep throughout life.

tennis11 7 minutes ago
So long Jobs ,you caused more problems then solved,See you in the next life,NOT

Clay Lovett 8 minutes ago
The end of an era.

I wish Steve all the best.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2 Shot in San Francisco Parking Lot After Raiders-49ers Game

Published August 21, 2011 | Associated Press

San Francisco - Two men were shot and wounded in the parking lot of Candlestick Park after a preseason NFL game Saturday night between the San Francisco 49ers and the Oakland Raiders, police said.



Showing 10 of 51 comments

ihatecanucks 22 minutes ago
One of the many reasons why Iam licensed to carry a concealed weapon in 39 states and do. I qualify 2X a year, just for things like this. Practice, practice, practice.
1 person liked this.

obamastaffer 28 minutes ago
More and more gang bangers are spending their hefty welfare checks on sporting event tickets, I guess.
2 people liked this.

nooneisinnocent 38 minutes ago
Can't wait for the post season when they whip out the rpg's and ied's. Oh, wait. I forgot, it's the bay area, there won't be a post season.
2 people liked this.

Nostalgia1 45 minutes ago
Ok...lets all tap around the fact the fact that the individuals involved were minorities...does that make everyone feel better? They must be minorities because no one is saying they are White!
7 people liked this.

ihatecanucks 20 minutes ago in reply to Nostalgia1
Very true and sad.

joepa00 1 hour ago
Sometimes I think what this world needs is a purging of some of its population. Due to stupidity like this. Just laying out the facts.
11 people liked this.

markosoftfl 1 hour ago
over a football game? liberal loons with guns. Unbelievable
4 people liked this.

napawineguy 1 hour ago
I live in Napa Valley-about an hour north of SanFran. I think I missed my opportunity tonight. I should have gone to Oakland while the little gangbanger wannabes were over in SanFran and tapped their old ladies while they were away...

shepherd04 1 hour ago
Glad to see that California gun law is working out just as the politicians wanted. Now only the criminals have guns.
17 people liked this.

scrotum13131313 1 hour ago
Ahhhh yeah! Chicken! Who's got the watermelon? Dis ain't no good time, yo. Dis be some gangsta shiznet. Too bad football still isn't the old game it used to be before blacks and steroids!
10 people liked this.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stadium Roof Collapse Kills at Least 1 in Netherlands Roof Collapse

July 7: An unknown number of people are trapped after a Dutch football stadium collapsed.

At least one person is dead, and 12 others injured, after a section of a Dutch football stadium collapsed during off-season construction work Thursday, trapping an unknown number of people.



Showing 10 of 13 comments

maslyw 42 minutes ago
This does not sound good. I pray for their safety. I am a 28 years old doctor, mature and beautiful.and now I am seeking a good man who can give me real love , so i got a username Andromeda2002 on--s'e'ek'c'ou'ga'r.c óm--.it is the first and best club for y'ounger women and old'er men, or older women and y'ounger men,to int'eract with each other. Maybe you wanna ch'eck 'it out or tell your friends!

douglas5937 36 minutes ago in reply to maslyw
If you are a doctor I am a Rocket scientist. Would you like to see my Rocket? Doug.

douglas5937 40 minutes ago in reply to maslyw
If you are 28, I am 13. Doug.

douglas5937 1 hour ago
Phones at the club went unanswered? " I'm crushed that you called". Doug.

coolercoleman 1 hour ago
Must have been a union construction job.

cynicalbrit99 1 hour ago
Perhaps there was a bus load of Americans visiting the ground .......No stadium could cope with all THAT weight ! lol

Corey Glancy 1 hour ago in reply to cynicalbrit99
maybe some are British, you can tell by the lack of straight teeth.

mistertibbs 2 hours ago
Let's go Dutch treat---ment

howie444 2 hours ago
Did any of Obozo's Union clowns have anything to do with the construction ????

uhhhhh 2 hours ago in reply to howie444


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Terror Suspect Interrogated on Navy Ship for Two Months Arrives in U.S.

A member of an Al Qaeda-linked group was interrogated for two months by U.S. authorities on a Navy ship in the waters off the Horn of Africa, before being flown to the United States over the July 4 holiday to face prosecution in a civilian court, officials say.

The move, first reported by Fox News, offers a glimpse into how the U.S. government may handle foreign terror suspects captured overseas in the wake of the Justice Department's failed attempt to prosecute the alleged conspirators of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in a civilian court in New York City. Congress has blocked administration efforts to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and many believe military interrogation is the most effective way to obtain valuable intelligence.



Showing 10 of 602 comments

come2know 0 minutes ago
This animal was interrogated on a Naval Ship and now he is going to be tried in a U S civilian court .. for what? For information that they got out of him? For information that they wished they would have gotten out of him? Why is this public information? Why are our “civilian” courts going to be burdened with this instead of having the military take care of a prisoner of war? Why is he not at the bottom of the sea?

100percentusa 1 minute ago
Obama likes lobstertail but hates people who don't support g a y b la d e s .
What a fookin Q u e e r .

100percentusa 7 minutes ago
Obama is a TRAITOR.

Who will stop him who owns a real badge?

mikeyc2010 12 minutes ago
Wait, I thought we were just k i lling off these "suspects"......so now we're going to bring them into the US and try them? I like the first method better. Torture, I mean interrogate them for every last bit of useful info and then send them on their way to their however many virgins and their magical prophet who rides a flying unicorn or whatever........

Why give them the courtesy of a trial? They haven't shown that respect for ONE American or Christian, now have they?

tjm07 16 minutes ago
The first terrorist captured since Obama took command, and isn't it interesting that it is released to the media within a week of Senate hearings that revealed the deep dark secret of Obama's policy.

capitalismiskool 42 minutes ago
Obama's own Gitmo at Sea? Where's the outrage from the left?

adapto1432 0 minutes ago in reply to capitalismiskool
2 months at sea --people in Gitmo would love that .Since they been in Gitmo for 10 years and counting.

100percentusa 12 minutes ago in reply to capitalismiskool
Oh you see..

Obama is king in these parts as he is the self declared king and he has seen it so.

larrykansas 1 hour ago
This isn't going to end well.

Archie999 1 hour ago
I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff, GrabPenny.com


Friday, July 1, 2011

Chavez Says He's Fighting Cancer After Surgery

CARACAS, Venezuela Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez revealed Thursday night that he is fighting cancer after having a tumor removed in Cuba, but assured his countrymen that he is doing well as he sought to cool growing questions about his health and ability to govern.

Chavez said in a televised talk that the operation took out a growth in which there were "cancerous cells." The 56-year-old president said the surgery was done after an initial operation nearly three weeks ago for the removal of a pelvic abscess.



Showing 10 of 310 comments

daytonian 2 minutes ago
maybe he and castro can dropdead the same day

justicebill 4 minutes ago
It will be a glorious day when Chavez and Mooselimbs are extinct and no longer pollute this planet. And Soros, too.

sn0wb0arder 7 minutes ago
i'm sure it is a carefully chosen unflattering picture, but he looks like a gargoyle.

britannia 8 minutes ago
This thread is proof that American and Christ have become separate. People wishing death on another man because you have a difference in political opinion? SHAME on you, and may God have mercy. Chavez is a good man and a good Christian, far closer to the Jesus described in the Bible than most in this thread. He cares about the working people of his country, unlike American politicians, who only care about the rich.

Get well soon Chavez.

txthorn 8 minutes ago
Chavez is nothing more than one huge cancer on Venezuela and the world. I wish him a speedy trip to h3ll.

britannia 10 minutes ago

tgwsmw7 12 minutes ago
What a shame.

m1a2a 16 minutes ago
Die swine die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DahlonegaRick 16 minutes ago
Sean Penn must be beside himself. Oh, the humanity!!!!!!!!! Heh, heh, heh......

bringbushback 16 minutes ago
another story about the health of an evil dictator, the only two who have their hankies out are penn and his side kick glover, this evil will outlive the other evil, castro, the devil doesnt even want them. they will be walking this earth till the very end and then some.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

High School Football Star Dies in Fight After Graduation Dinner

NEW YORK -- A high school football star was stabbed and later died in a fight with parking attendants over whether something was stolen from his family's car during his graduation ceremony, police said. His father was charged Wednesday with assault stemming from the argument.

Isayah Muller, 19, a star running back who led his team to the Public Schools Athletic League championship, was rushed to a nearby clinic Tuesday by his family and girlfriend and was later pronounced dead, said Paul Browne, the New York Police Department's chief spokesman.



From the Forums

Showing 10 of 109 comments

mikeyc2010 2 minutes ago
It's a shame that the kid is dead because of this.

Thing is, it WAS handled completely in the wrong way.

First, if you think someone has stolen from you, there's your proof that they're pretty worthless and low-down to begin with. That increases the chances a hundred fold that this same person wouldn't think twice about beating you down or even murdering you if you confronted them.

Should have called the police and let them deal with it. May not have gotten the desired results from the police investigation, but I doubt the kid would be dead if they had just let law enforcement handle it.

comewhatevermay 1 minute ago in reply to mikeyc2010
They dont trust whitey

SomebodyBiggerThanYou 0 minutes ago in reply to comewhatevermay
They don't even like themselves.

ih8teliberals 3 minutes ago
There is a bright side. It's one less future welfare recipient and father of 10 kids!

cissygirl 4 minutes ago
This is tragic for this young man and those who loved him.
God bless them all.

deedoo 5 minutes ago

Ermie69 3 minutes ago in reply to deedoo
I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff, GrabPenny.com

deuce99 6 minutes ago
National high school football star? Oh please... this punk only managed to sign a letter of intent with a junior college. If he was top-flight then he would been signed by a major college program, period.


The media can skip the top student c rap, etc; this is a manufactured story, plain and simple.

comewhatevermay 2 minutes ago in reply to deuce99
you got that right ,, he was going to community college. Its one less thug on the street thanks to his poppy. I hope dads rots in jail

tica.mcgarity 17 minutes ago
Parking lot attendants have the right to steal whatever they want to ... whenever they want to steal it. Obviously there is no right to personal property in this country anymore. There is no reasonable expectation of fairness and honesty ... those are virtues based in a religious theory. We can't have that in this culture anymore. The obvious alternative to a culture where people have an internal sense of personal decency is to have restrictions on personal impulses to do wrong imposed externally. That would be .... police men .... law enforcement officials of all kinds. Absent internal personal controls on destructive behavior ... (theft ... murder.... etc.) ....there are only two alternatives. The first would be anarchy ... where the strong devour the weak. The second would be a police state... where the state devours the weak... In the
final analysis.... there is very little difference between the two. It is a very Darwinian state ... one that seems to be endorsed by the liberals among us. Is this REALLY the world that we want to live in?

TEA anyone?
