Wednesday, June 29, 2011

High School Football Star Dies in Fight After Graduation Dinner

NEW YORK -- A high school football star was stabbed and later died in a fight with parking attendants over whether something was stolen from his family's car during his graduation ceremony, police said. His father was charged Wednesday with assault stemming from the argument.

Isayah Muller, 19, a star running back who led his team to the Public Schools Athletic League championship, was rushed to a nearby clinic Tuesday by his family and girlfriend and was later pronounced dead, said Paul Browne, the New York Police Department's chief spokesman.


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Showing 10 of 109 comments

mikeyc2010 2 minutes ago
It's a shame that the kid is dead because of this.

Thing is, it WAS handled completely in the wrong way.

First, if you think someone has stolen from you, there's your proof that they're pretty worthless and low-down to begin with. That increases the chances a hundred fold that this same person wouldn't think twice about beating you down or even murdering you if you confronted them.

Should have called the police and let them deal with it. May not have gotten the desired results from the police investigation, but I doubt the kid would be dead if they had just let law enforcement handle it.

comewhatevermay 1 minute ago in reply to mikeyc2010
They dont trust whitey

SomebodyBiggerThanYou 0 minutes ago in reply to comewhatevermay
They don't even like themselves.

ih8teliberals 3 minutes ago
There is a bright side. It's one less future welfare recipient and father of 10 kids!

cissygirl 4 minutes ago
This is tragic for this young man and those who loved him.
God bless them all.

deedoo 5 minutes ago

Ermie69 3 minutes ago in reply to deedoo
I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff,

deuce99 6 minutes ago
National high school football star? Oh please... this punk only managed to sign a letter of intent with a junior college. If he was top-flight then he would been signed by a major college program, period.

The media can skip the top student c rap, etc; this is a manufactured story, plain and simple.

comewhatevermay 2 minutes ago in reply to deuce99
you got that right ,, he was going to community college. Its one less thug on the street thanks to his poppy. I hope dads rots in jail

tica.mcgarity 17 minutes ago
Parking lot attendants have the right to steal whatever they want to ... whenever they want to steal it. Obviously there is no right to personal property in this country anymore. There is no reasonable expectation of fairness and honesty ... those are virtues based in a religious theory. We can't have that in this culture anymore. The obvious alternative to a culture where people have an internal sense of personal decency is to have restrictions on personal impulses to do wrong imposed externally. That would be .... police men .... law enforcement officials of all kinds. Absent internal personal controls on destructive behavior ... (theft ... murder.... etc.) ....there are only two alternatives. The first would be anarchy ... where the strong devour the weak. The second would be a police state... where the state devours the weak... In the
final analysis.... there is very little difference between the two. It is a very Darwinian state ... one that seems to be endorsed by the liberals among us. Is this REALLY the world that we want to live in?

TEA anyone?



Fox readers say the darnedest things!
